Quantum Computing and Medicine

August 26, 2024


Quantum is the discrete amount of energy for a phenomenon, such as a quantum of electricity is an electron. Since subatomic particles are the building blocks of matter, we exist in a quantum reality. It is used in physics primarily to measure the smallest size energy that something can possess.

Quantum mechanics deals with the tiniest bits of matter, energy, and light to determine how they interact. Since quantum phenomena are all around us, experiments examine how minute objects have characteristics of tiny pieces of matter and the impairments that transfer energy (wave particle duality).

Quantum computing and medicine create a dynamic field that combines the latest science and physics to create hardware and software that uses quantum theories to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers. Today’s quantum computer systems can perform extremely fast DNA sequencing to increase possibilities for personalized medicine.

So what are Qubits?

The classical “Bit” or binary digit can only represent a single value, such as 0 or 1. Claude Shannon, Ph.D., earned his spot in the National Inventors Hall of Fame with the publication of “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” which contain one of the great conceptual breakthroughs of his generation – binary digits. Moreover, Dr. Shannon explained how bits  could carry information in digital form.

The concept of a “byte”, a unit of digital information, was coined by Werner Buchholz int 1956 enroute to developing IBM’s first transistorized supercomputer (Stretch). Originally eight binary digits long, the byte encodes a single character of text, numbers, or typographical symbols as the smallest addressable unit of memory in the vast majority of computer architectures. ASCII standard says 1 byte equal to 8 bits.

A qubit (quantum bit) is a revolutionary advancement in the design of units of information. Rather than being limited to one or two states, the smallest unit of data in quantum computing can exist in a superposition of 0 and 1 or any proportion of the two. This creates an infinite number of values to simultaneously store and manipulate data. So, a qubit is a linear combination of possible states at the same time.

Like a dimmer light switch, qubits give system developers an infinite number of possibilities rather than just “off” or “on”. Superposition allows new quantum computer platforms to perform many calculations in parallel for amazing processing speed. For example, quantum computing using a qubit system can process information promptly that could take a bit-based computer system millions of years to calculate.

Quantum Theory for Future Healthcare

Since the beginning of computerized healthcare, machine learning has primarily been used for prediction that helps doctors decide whether someone has a disease. While modern computers and the latest smartphones utilize bits, quantum devices rely on qubits. The amazing difference in speed means it takes an infinite amount of bits to describe the state of a single qubit characterized by continuous numbers. In turn, quantum computing and medicine can enable the development of new applications in healthcare and biomedical research, such as:

  • 1) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – Quantum computing includes novel algorithms for machine learning applications. The Cleveland Clinic-IBM Discovery Accelerator has generated multiple projects that leverage the latest in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and hybrid cloud to help expedite discoveries in biomedical research.
  • 2) NETWORK ANALYSIS – Bioinformatics involves tasks like molecular modeling and mapping of complex biological pathways. Quantum algorithms show promise in partitioning networks into communities, which is a critical step in understanding biological and quantum computational systems more deeply and effectively.
  • 3) GENOMICS – The analysis of large-scale genomic data, including the application of artificial intelligence to search genome sequencing findings and large drug-target databases to find existing drugs that could help patients with diseases like Alzheimer’s more efficiently than classical methods.
  • 4) DRUG DISCOVERY – By simulating molecular interactions and predicting needs of drug candidates, quantum computing can accelerate the drug discovery process. Quantum algorithms can be used to determine molecular ground-state energies to boost understanding of molecular properties and reactions.
  • 5) PROTEIN FOLDING – Misfolding diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s require better understanding protein folding. Quantum computing can improve the efficiency of predicting folding patterns and can be used to tackle optimization problems involving a polypeptide chain fold into a three-dimensional structure.
  • 6) QUANTUM-ENHANCED PREDICTION – Heart disease has emerged as the prominent cause of human death. Fortunately, quantum-enhanced machine-learning outperforms traditional machine-learning. So it can reduce the time for diagnosis of cardiovascular risk when following non-cardiac surgery, increase accuracy, and help reduce mortality rates.
  • 7) CYBERSECURITY – Quantum technology may also be able to greatly enhance the security of healthcare applications, protecting sensitive patient data from cyber threats. New forms of encryption like Quantum Key Distribution are considered to be virtually un-hackable. QKD uses quantum cryptography that provides significant encryption advantages.

The Lerner Research Institute on Cleveland Clinic’s main campus and IBM installed a quantum system dedicated to healthcare research on the main campus in March 2023. Cleveland Clinic-IBM Discovery Accelerator researchers have been working on a portfolio of projects that generate and quickly analyze large amounts of data for a wide range of disease-focused research. Both organizations are hosting research workshops for academia, industry and government to help build the critical mass of quantum computing specialists needed for the future.

How fragile are quantum computers?

Unfortunately, even the smallest disturbance can cause the qubits to collapse and become unusable. Today’s quantum computers using qubits are delicate objects that are easily disrupted by interactions with its surroundings, such as heat. Qubits lose their quantum properties due to decoherence at higher temperatures when the system crashes. Particles within the components have greater thermal vibrations and introduce errors into the delicate states of qubits.

Cooling systems minimize vibrations to reduce thermal noise and enhance the stability of qubits, but refrigerators must be kept at temperatures that are very near absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit). To achieve these extremely cold “cryogenic” environments, it requires lots of energy that makes quantum computing very expensive. For example, the temperature inside the sealed quantum computer at Google is about 460 degrees below zero, making it one of the coldest places in the universe.

Dilution refrigerators are large and complex. Multiple stages of cooling chill quantum circuits to below 1 kelvin but complexity of cooling increases at the coldest stage of operation that involves mixing different isotopes of liquid helium. One of the biggest challenges for quantum technology today is how to make it accessible for widespread use. In addition, the significant amounts of energy required to operate a quantum computing system not only involves the depletion of non-renewable energy but also impacts greenhouse emissions.

Quantum Computers That Exist Today

The father of quantum computing is a British physicist at the University of Oxford named David Deutsch. He pioneered the field of quantum theory computation by formulating a description for a quantum Turing machine and described an algorithm that would run on a quantum computational device. Along with having laid the foundations for academia, Deutsch has set the agenda for worldwide research efforts and understanding of the philosophical implications in his book The Fabric of Reality.

For the general public, quantum computing and medicine doesn’t really exist yet as a useful system but several “big tech” companies have devoted the financial and human resources needed to build useful quantum systems for qubit-level processing. International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) has been building quantum systems for several years. IBM has been leading the way working with Cleveland Clinic with quantum chips of more than a thousand qubits for quantum computation.

In addition to IBM, Intel Corporation, Alphabet Inc., Honeywell International, and IonQ Incorporated have made significant investments in resolving some of the main challenges, such as quantum decoherence, error correction, and scalability. While qubits can engineer systems that behave like a quantum particle in superconducting circuits, qubits must be kept extremely cold to minimize noise that increases the rate of measurement errors causing functional difficulties. So, a stray photon created by heat or a vibration can stop computation in its tracks.

Medical Prospects and Quantum Challenges

Quantum computation is changing how we think about medicine and healthcare. From speeding up drug discovery to making data transmission safer, quantum tech is on the brink of transforming the industry. While the potential is enormous, we are still in the early stages of integrating quantum technology into healthcare. Many of these advancements are currently limited to research labs. Practical, everyday use in medicine may still be years away. But, in spite of present day technical challenges, researchers are actively developing quantum algorithms.

“Right now, quantum computers are still experimental,” says Dr. Hans Wolf founder and CEO of WOLFPACC. “But today’s med students will likely be practicing medicine where quantum technology is used to revolutionize healthcare, making it more efficient, accurate, and personalized to each patient’s needs.” Although Dr. Wolf stressed that widespread adoption of quantum computing in the field of medicine is a bit futuristic, the long-term benefits means it is a worthwhile endeavor for medical students.

Quantum technology takes advantage of the strange properties of tiny particles. These properties, like superposition and entanglement, allow quantum systems to do things traditional systems can’t. Quantum sensing and imaging can detect subtle changes in the body that traditional methods might miss. A quantum computer can perform DNA sequencing much faster, opening up possibilities for personalized medicine and new therapies. Someday quantum AI will personalize treatments quickly by analyzing a patient’s genetic information and medical history.

Photo of quantum scientist Dr. Maika Takita courtesy of IBM


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