SELECT LOCATION: —Please choose an option—Saint Augustine, FloridaOn-line program
Phone Type—Please choose an option—CellHomeWork
Course Interested In: —Please choose an option—8 Week (live) - $54508 Week (on-line) - $54504 Week (live) - $35504 Week (on-line) - $35506 Week (live) - $4,6806 Week (online) - $4,680Tutoring sessions only ($250/session)16 Week - $ call for details
Medical School:
Exam: —Please choose an option—USMLE Step 1USMLE Step 2USMLE Step 3COMLEX 1COMLEX 2COMLEX 3Pre Med Head StartOther
Choose Your Date: —Please choose an option—April 7, 2025May 5, 2025June 2, 2025June 30, 2025July 28, 2025August 25, 2025September 22, 2025October 20, 2025November 17, 2025Other / Not Sure *Dates Subject to Change
Promo Code:
Payment Options Send me an invoice for payment in full$1000 DownpaymentPlace me on your waitlist
Downpayments will hold your spot.
Need Housing? -- Costs for Housing vary depending on length of class and shared or private bath YesNo
Bath SharedPrivateNo Housing
Sex MaleFemale
How did you hear about us? —Please choose an option—Search EngineSchoolSocial MediaAdvertisementFriend/FamilyEventOther
I give permission to receive text messages. NoYes
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