Unless there is a doctor lurking in your family tree, there may not be anyone in your family or circle of friends outside of Medical School that understands what you’re going through as a student. As a first year medical student, you’re faced with the pressure of proving you belong by posting good scores on course exams. For the majority that survive this initial hurdle, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that entering year two of medical school is an opportune time to learn “how to study” for what can seem like an endless string of Licensing Exams. All too often, the only advice given med students is to invest in study guides that are basically a collection of exercises for memorizing answers to questions that may or may not be asked.
Recognizing the inefficiencies of the age-old practice of having would-be doctors regurgitate bits and pieces of medical school lectures, Hans P. Wolf, M.D. decided it was time for a change. Not only has he and his dedicated team of professionals at WOLFPACC revolutionized the way students understand and practice medicine, he is changing the process from one of anxiety and tension to a meaningful journey with a clear path of “how to study” for the board exams. Today, his Physician Achievement Concept Course has become one of academic excellence designed to change the lives of aspiring doctors as well as improving the potential outcomes for their future patients.
The USMLE Step 1 is an 8-hour multiple-choice exam that is normally taken at the end of the second year of medical school. This is a perfect time for students to learn how to apply what they learn to medicine rather than memorizing their way through the “sciences”, such as anatomy, histology, neuroscience, immunology, physiology, behavioral science, biochemistry, microbiology and pathology. Dr. Wolf knew that with the vast amount of information learned in school that it is difficult for students to take the time to understand “why”. For this reason, he developed POWER 5 – Organ System Integration to give students the ability to apply the knowledge they already have or will learn along their journey.
If you’re a second-year med student, you may already be feeling the anxiety of knowing you must pass the first part of the USMLE or COMLEX to move forward in med school as well as to compete for a good residency. If you’ve already cleared that hurdle, you may feel even more pressure knowing you need to prepare for the remaining Steps. At WOLFPACC, our approach to preparing for the USMLE or COMLEX has allowed students to achieve success at all levels of their licensing exams through a better understanding of how to apply what they learn. If you have a question or need to request additional information about our Medical Board Review courses, please submit the form on our Contact Us page for a prompt response or call 904-209-3140 for further details.