
Top Medical Schools for African American Students

Statistics from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation reveal that African American medical school graduates numbered 1,061 in the 2015-2016 school year. That figure represents just a tenth of white…

Medical Schools Boosting Obesity Education

There’s no arguing that obesity rates in the United States are troubling. Fortunately, America’s medical schools are responding in ways that could positively impact patients nationwide. Since 1980, childhood obesity…

Popular Apps for Medical Students

Time is a precious commodity when you’re preparing for the USMLE or COMLEX. Dr. Hans P. Wolf and his staff have a decade of experience in teaching medical students how…

Medical Students and Doctors Without Borders

The greatest cause of stress most medical students face while preparing their residency applications is how well they did on their USMLE or COMLEX exams.   But not to be overlooked…